Holiday Photography Buying Guide

December 03, 2015  •  1 Comment

Thinking about making a photography purchase for the holidays? Here are a few ideas for various budgets.

Under $25

  • Memory Cards - a photographer can never have enough memory, right? I like Sandisk and you can get a lot of storage for not a lot of money - click this LINK.
  • Card Carrier - with all those new memory cards it is nice to have something to keep them organized in your bag - click this LINK.
  • Rocket Blower - dust on your dslr sensor can be pretty frustrating, this simple device will keep your sensor clean - click this LINK.
  • Flashlight - A nice small LED flashlight that you can leave in your camera bag will make your life easier - Belmains has one for about $13 that fits the bill

$100 Range

  • Take a class - I'll be teaching another class starting in January at RTCC and I think Tim Calabro (from the Herald) will probably teach a class in the spring. I think it is $85 for six classes. Contact RTCC to find out more - click this LINK.
  • Take the photos you've taken or had taken and get some prints or make a book. Make those files into something tangible, you won't regret it.

$250 Range

  • Book a portrait session with one of your favorite photographers - there are many good ones in the area to choose from.
  • For those of you with DSLRs and still shooting with the kit lens, get a 50mm f/1.8 lens. Wether you are shooting Canon, Nikon, or something else there is always a very capable 50mm lens that will allow you to shoot in lower light, with a shallower depth-of-field, and force you to be more creative. There is no better value in lenses than this. Here is Canon's current offering (LINK) and Nikon's (LINK)
  • For those not interested in a DSLR, but you want something more advanced than an iPhone here is a pretty great deal that expires on the 5th for an advanced point n' shoot camera with a printer (you do have to do a mail-in-rebate to make it a good deal) - click this LINK.

$1000 Range

  • A great trip is one of the best things you can do for a photographer - go somewhere inspiring. New locations spark creativity.
  • As you become serious about photography you start to understand that spending at least a grand on a lens is hard to avoid if you want something really good, but Sigma has a great lineup of lenses that are well built, sharp, fun to shoot with, and come in much less then their Canon and Nikon counterparts - try their ART series, I personally have their 35 f/1.4 and love it - click this LINK.


  • Full Frame - a nice big sensor is great for low-light sure is nice to have. Canon, Nikon, Sony's mirrorless can't go too wrong. Here are a few options - click the LINK, LINK, LINK.

These are of course just the tip of the iceberg and there are all kinds of products or experiences that would be great for your family or the photographer in your life - make a comment below if you'd like any specific advice and I'll be happy to help.

PS - I have no affiliation (I don't make any money) with B&H or Amazon by providing the links above, but I do make purchases through those sources.



Becca Boone(non-registered)
Great article with excellent resources and links. Love your suggestions - especially the ones in the under $25 range. Thanks for writing this!
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